
HOST is an accredited travel agency under license A, located in Tunisia, operated worldwide. Led by a team with over 20 years of expertise within the tourism sector, alongside qualified specialists and certified trainers in sustainable tourism.

About us

Conforming to your standards will be our main goal.

Our Services

We offer a wide range of
services based on customers needs:
corporate, leisure and cultural, sustainable and medical.

Of course, these needs also include Ticketing, Transportation, accommodation in Tunisia and abroad, concierge service, and MICE events.

Our Assets

  • The team: qualified specialists and certified trainers in sustainable tourism
  • A perfect understanding of our sector and its various operators
  • Our references
  • Our Brand and reputation
  • Our experience
  • Our high standards
  • Our commitment to
    deliver a unique, special and outstanding product.

Our values

HOST also stands to sustainable and eco-responsible initiatives in terms of corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) and environmental protection.
We are committed to
promote sustainable tourism through the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity, while involving local communities and rural women in the promotion of inclusive, equal, social and supportive tourism that contributes to the development of all regions of Tunisia.